Got questions?

We have answers!

How do I schedule an appointment?

Easy. Call (516) 725-5853 or go to our appointment page and fill out & submit an online appointment form. We do our best to accommodate same day & advanced appointments. We typically will schedule within an hour. You will receive an email and text confirmation with the time of your appointment, your practitioner, costs, as well as tentative treatment plan.

Can A+P House Calls serve as my Primary Care Provider?

Yes. A+P House Calls Providers can act as your Primary Care Provider. Meet the Team here. We diagnose, prescribe, & treat all patients. Our staff have many years of patient care experience. We provide the same services found at your local doctor’s office, urgent care, or ER right at home. From yearly physicals to urgent sick evaluations, we are your new go to. See full services here.

What types of Medical Services can I call a A+P House Calls for?

Everything. See our complete service list here. We perform complete histories, physical exams, & any needed lab or radiology tests right at home. We prescribe all medications, therapies, & make referrals ( PT/OT/wound care etc) as needed. We also provide IV therapy and telemedicine appointments.

What is your Concierge Medical Program?

Our Concierge Program prioritizes you and your loved one’s Primary and Urgent Care needs.

This includes:

-Guaranteed home visits for all routine or urgent medical care needs within 24 Hours of request.

-Extended hour access to your care provider’s personal line & unlimited telemedicine visits.

-Discounted IV & house call services.

-Monthly Prescription Managment

-Communication with all other specialists (ie. cardiologist, endocrinologist) to coordinate all aspects of care.

Do you take Insurance?

Immediately following your appointment, we provide a detailed medical invoice that can be submitted directly to your insurance company for reimbursement. Most insurances reimburse up to 80%. Most of services we provide lab work, covid testing, x-Rays, medications) are processed through insurance via third party. We accept Venmo, HSA, and credit card payment prior to your visit. You can access here.

What is Telemedine?

Telemedicine is a Phone call or Face time that allows our Providers to evaluate, diagnose and treat you at a distance using smartphone, tablet, or computer within moments notice. Medications and additional testing can be ordered using this service.